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Writer's pictureKristie Polk

The Absence of Conflict is Not the Same as Harmony

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

Most leaders don’t look for conflict. In fact, we consider it something of an accomplishment to be able to keep things calm and civil, peaceful even. But are we conflating peace with apathy?

If you send the message that you are more dedicated to avoiding conflict than you are to engaging with your team, you could be telling your key people that you don’t care enough to risk being wrong or uncomfortable. Even worse, the message could translate to a deep doubt that the relationship is not strong enough to weather the honest exchange of ideas.

It is critical to pick our battles carefully and even then, to act with respect and maturity, but don’t fool yourself into believing that your indifference is somehow creating harmony. No one stays if they believe they could leave unnoticed.

Conflict is an integral part of life, it can be difficult, but with practice and the right communication skills, we can achieve mastery…and ultimately, a culture of harmony.

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