How we measure success and failure make a difference. It is important because it informs how we spend our time and energy.
But we also use it to determine value – the value of a product, a plan, sometimes even a person. In the 21st Century success, or failure, is often determined by numbers, metrics, KPIs. Quantitative standards are significant, but are they telling us the whole story?
What if we also factored in things like
· knowledge gained on the journey
· strength built through the experience
· relationships discovered along the way
· confidence that grew from trying
· joy experienced in creation
· pride felt from the process
· happiness brought to others
· memories made and shared
Of course, goals are significant, To-Do Lists are important, and outcomes ultimately do matter. But if we see every missed mark as only loss then failure becomes monumental and something to be feared. Fear inhibits risk-taking, which constrains innovation…which is usually required for success.
Some of my most treasured memories, best experiences, and even greatest accomplishments resulted from moments in my life that many would judge as failure.